Friday, December 4, 2015

How to use Local Entries in a WSO2 ESB Proxy Service.

In this blog post I am going to show you how to use local entries in a WSO2 ESB Proxy.

What is Local Entry?

In simply it is like a CONSTANT file. It stores text strings, XML strings, and URLs. These entries can be retrieved from a mediator.

Consider the following the example proxy.

Here the highlighted property values are hard coded. Since it is a bad practice in coding we can use local entries to store these property values and can be retrieved from a mediator.

How to add a Local Entry ?

Go to ESB management console and click on Main tag. 


Select Local Entries from the menu.


There are three types of local entries as shown in the below figure. In this example I used In-lined Text Entry.

Click on “Add In-lined Text Entry”.
Then you will receive the following console.


Enter a proper name for the local entry and enter a value for the local entry.
Here “ApiUrl” is the name and “” is the value of the local entry.
Click on “Save”.

Like wise you can create local entries for all the properties appear in the above proxy service.

How to read a value stored in a local-entry?

Let's say I have a value stored in local-entry file 'apiUrl'.

<localEntry key="apiUrl" xmlns=""><![CDATA[]]></localEntry>

This is how we can read this value into a mediator.

<property name="apiUrl" expression="get-property('apiUrl')" scope="default" type="STRING"/>

Here you can give any name as the “property name” and inside the get-property('.......') you should give the key of the local entry.

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